About Tina – Tina B's World

About Tina


I used to blog Here and Here

My old posts are still there. 

Hello World!


Hello All 🙂 

I put the “Tina” in Tina B’s World. 

It’s nice to meet you! 

About Me: 

  • Over 40
  • Mom to an awesome kid, Davina (aka Mini Me – here’s why)
  • Dog Mom to Eli-Princess, Mookie and Winnie. Find them HERE
  • Bunny Mom to Bunbledore the Grey. Find him HERE
  • I love coffee, Twizzlers and Hardcover Spiral Notebooks. 

Blog History & Why

I have been blogging off and on since 2005. 
At first, this blog was just a creative outlet. I did fun posts and product reviews, but I wanted it to be more. 
A few years ago, I realized I had made a mistake in choosing the life partner I did (Lord did I miss a lot of red flags). The problem? I was financially dependent on him. Car accidents in 2004 and 2017 have made it near impossible for me to work outside of the home, so I got serious about my blog. 

What I Did

I started mapping out how I could help other women start earning an income from home so they wouldn’t get stuck in the same situation. It was a little easier for me because my daughter is a teenager and wants to be “rich”, so she is motivated to help me. 

What to Expect From Our Posts

The first post of every month has a work-life balance theme because mental health is very important to me. So many get overwhelmed and lose their minds just trying to either make a little money or replace their full-time jobs all together. 
The rest of the weekly posts, I try to make fit together. 
Key word: try. 

My Team

The other half of my “we” is my daughter, Davina , who patiently explains things to me about social media. 
She is also going to be helping me with my future YouTube channel and podcast. 

My Favorite Joke

Two muffins are chillin in an oven.

The first turns to the second and says, “Gee it’s hot in here.”

The second turns to the first and says “Oh my God! A talking muffin!” 

Some Random Things About Me

  • I consider myself pessimistically optimistic.. there are great things in my future, but I’ll probably be having a rough time getting there.
  • I’m the Queen of Weirdo Injuries. No one breaks a knuckle (JUST a knuckle!) in a car accident. Also, no one gets an inch-long splinter UNDERNEATH their fingernail! Neither are good stories, but the injuries are both head-scratchers. 
  • Pinching my finger on a chain as a teen has kept me away from swings as an adult. 


The Contact Page is HERE

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