5-hour ENERGY Goes Pink Campaign – Tina B's World

5-hour ENERGY Goes Pink Campaign

The makers of 5-hour ENERGY teamed up with LBBC (Living Beyond Breast Cancer), an organization that helps to support and educate patients and their families. Living Essentials is donating 5 cents for every bottle of specially-marked 5-hour Pink Lemonade bottles sold with a guaranteed $200k donation.

Smiley360 sent me a Mission Kit with 2 bottles of this yummy new flavor and I can’t wait to keep spreading the word. Awareness doesn’t end when the month of October does!

I posted this to Instagram earlier as part of my Smiley360 Mission..

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I’d like to raise my pink ribbon white bottle of 5-hour ENERGY in honor of all those who are fighting breast cancer, those we have lost and those who are currently caring for patients in their family. I honor my Aunt T who fought this disease twice before the third round took her. #5hourGoesPink #AwarenessDoesntEndWhenTheMonthDoes


Look for the 5-hour ENERGY bottle with the pink ribbon and show your support!

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