Choose the Right Career or Business Model – Tina B's World
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Choose the Right Career or Business Model

The best case scenario is choosing a career or business model that will definitely ensure a work-life balance.


woman sitting at a table and typing on her computer

So what’s the problem?

It might not actually be neglecting a certain area of your life..

It might actually boil down the what you chose to pursue or how you chose to build your own business.

Let’s be honest: some biz models or even careers allow for maximum flexibility and enough down time for you to be able to decompress and refresh. 

Others demand you adhere to deadlines, restricting your schedule and adding that pressure. 

You Have a Choice..

My 9th grade Math teacher used to say that to us if she caught us with gum. Your choice was to stick the gum on your nose for the rest of class or throw it out and accept a lunch detention.

So your choice was basically if you wanted your punishment to be public (nose) or private (detention). This has nothing to do with what I was writing. I just had a flashback and decided to share. 

So anyway..

If you’re working for a company that demands a lot from you (working in retail is some supreme level of ridiculousness), it might be time to either seek another position in the company or start looking elsewhere. 

Good news if you start your own business: 

You have the flexibility to pick and choose the business model that might net you income at a faster pace! 

The downside?

You also might have to respond to increase demand by sacrificing your time <- the good news to this is once you have systems in place and you get more organized, more of your time will free up. 

An Example

Service providers.

In order to start a business providing a service, you might have to agree to tight deadlines, increasing the odds you’ll end up working overtime. 

You’re pretty much running on your client schedules/needs. 

Missing a client’s deadline could mean not getting paid or receiving negative feedback/ratings. Negativity spreads like wildfire. 

That being said, SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE SERVICE PROVIDERS! Please tell us in the comments how you keep your sanity 🙂 

Imbalance -> Evaluation

  • Does your job or business allow you to take care of yourself?
  • Are you able to automate some things? 
  • Are there any tasks you could delegate?
  • Is there anyone you could swap services with?

Just some things to think about.

You could pivot to affiliate marketing. Advantages:

  • Upload posts on your own time
  • Negotiate timeline if brand asks for posts by a certain date
  • Income could match/exceed what you’re currently earning

You could also try pivoting to digital info products.

While you could upload products at any time, you might end up facing pressure from clients or affiliates to create faster.

Work-life balance might simply boil down to time management. 

You set your own product or post deadlines. Let clients or affiliates know new products are coming. The more anticipation you can drum up, the more successful your product launches will be. 

If the pressure of your current business model is too much for you, it might be time to pivot, overhaul everything or outsource. 

Examples of launch tasks you could outsource:

  • Sales copy
  • Graphic Design
  • Scheduling teaser posts
  • Creating your lead magnet
  • What else can you think of?

Are you good at managing your time? 

Trello is like having digital post-its. You can organize workflows and get your business down to a science so you can eventually outsource or just enable yourself to free up more time. 

Kat Sturtz from Rocking Your Path has an Easy Trello course to help you make sense of Trello. 

So sign up above with my link, then hop over to Kat’s course. You’ll love Trello as much as I do! 

Outsourcing Help

->Scale & Simplify has The Time Freedom Toolkit, which guides you through what you can/should outsource.

-> Tech Target has a great article explaining Outsourcing in great detail. 

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