Homeschool Resources – Tina B's World

Homeschool Resources

Homeschooling seems to be an option a number of people are gravitating towards or at least eager to learn about, so I thought I would offer up some of the resources we used when making our decision to take the leap to home learning.

It’s very important to do your research when making your final decision. The following are some of the homeschooling resources I used to help make my decision and then facilitate the process of getting going.

Here we go!

Please note: every state and district is different. You are going to need to do some digging to find out what your district requires. In a perfect world, there would be a step-by-step guide on each district’s website, but there is not.

Is Homeschooling the right path for you?

To homeschool or not to homeschool. That is the question.

It’s a big decision. Please don’t take it lightly. Discuss the pros and cons, research and if you’re religious, pray about it.

If you decide to take the leap, there is plenty of support for you. Please believe – you are NOT alone in this!

Take a few moments to read this post HERE as it will help you decide if this is even a worthwhile path for you and your family.

Helpful Resources:

The HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association) has LOTS of fantastic resources and support for every step of your homeschooling journey.

The Coalition for Responsible Home Education is a GREAT place to start! There are so many great resources on this site. Here are a few noteworthy posts:

*Guides for Home Educators, Homeschooled Teens & Homeschool Alumni

*Advocacy Links

->->->Homeschool Summits is also a great choice for getting started with a God-centered homeschool experience. They host free online summits all the time. Current webinars can be found on their site. Sign up for their newsletter so you can be notified of upcoming talks.

A Letter of Intent

From what I’m seeing, most districts require a letter of intent from homeschooling families. Don’t fret! This is actually very simple.

*State your children’s names, grades, and schools they would have attended

*State your decision to homeschool – you do not have to give a reason unless your district requires it

*Include your contact information – email, phone number, carrier pigeon info, your owl’s name. However they contact you, add that information.

Depending on your district, they may require you to mail the letter and yes, there are deadlines. The exception to the deadline would be if you are pulling your child out of school in the middle of the year. You can also email a copy to your district’s head person.

Two suggestions/tips:

  1. Print out your letter, address the envelope and drop it off at your district office.
  2. If you email, CC another person. Send it to the principal of your child’s school, a district secretary, your child’s other parent or guardian.

state based resources for homeschooling

Each state has it’s own laws, contact people and even resources for homeschooling.

*Do a search for “(your state) homeschool laws”.

*Time4Learning has state-by-state breakdown HERE.

*There is also a state-by-state on the CRHE site HERE.

Once you’ve decided to homeschool and you have sent your letter to your local district, you are going to need curriculum.

Some districts may allow you to borrow materials/textbooks to assist you. I wouldn’t count on that though because it’s not guaranteed.

Resources with Steps & Tips

The good news is there is no shortage of articles about choosing curriculum. Here are a few:

*Christian Book has a TON of curriculum and always has some great sales. We ordered our 10th grade curriculum through them and love all the options for electives.

*Time4Learning has a great post HERE “5 Steps to Build Your Best Homeschool Curriculum”

*The Homeschool Mom has an in-depth article HERE

*Cathy Duffy Reviews is a great resource for curriculum reviews – finding all the info on the curriculum you might be interested in BEFORE you buy is priceless!

*In All You Do has great resources and lesson plans too

*I Create ART has a fantastic Art curriculum, complete with materials and lesson plans

*Money Saving Mom has a weekly list that pulls together freebies and discounts from across the web

*Homeschool Buyers Co-Op has a list of discounted curriculum HERE

Bridgeway Academy

Davina did her 9th grade year with Bridgeway and we LOVED THEM!

They have a range of options for schooling and plenty of choices for curriculum. You can purchase your entire curriculum or supplement your current program. They have live classes available for all grade levels.

A great thing about Bridgeway is they are GLOBAL! Even if you live outside the USA, you can sign up with Bridgeway.

Middle & High School students have options for live online clubs. Mini was pumped about the Minecraft Club and has enjoyed the sessions so far.

Check out their website HERE and request a packet or request an online meeting with a member of their Admissions team.

->When you sign up, you get to take some quizzes about your learning style. Parents/guardians can take them too. Let me tell you this: I have taken a LOT of personality tests over the years. This is actually the most accurate tests I’ve come across!

-> There is a Facebook group for the parents to share info and ask questions.

Whatever you choose, I pray the resources on this page help you make the best decision for your family. If you have any questions, you can reach out to anyone of the websites I’ve linked to in this article or you can send me a message.

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