How to Pack Your Suitcase to Ease Travel Anxiety – Tina B's World

How to Pack Your Suitcase to Ease Travel Anxiety

I don’t know about you, but traveling wreaks havoc on my anxiety!

It’s so hard to relax and have fun sometimes. I worry about what I forgot and whether my plans will stay in tact. Having only flown two round trips, I have to say it is not as horrible as I thought it would be (although I do prefer driving). I’m not saying it was easy and I had a total blast, but one thing helps to somewhat ease my anxiety:


Having my suitcase organized and my Plans A-Z at the ready greatly help me to relax. I use storage cubes at home to organize boxed jewelry, my “fancy” make-up (that I use maybe a few times a year) and my various collections.

When I saw the Amelleon Storage Cube Set on Tomoson for a deep discount, I jumped at the chance to review it. All of the following opinions are my own.

This set is packed down in a neat, sturdy box.

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Most of them have mesh tops so you can easily identify what’s in them. I showcased them on a standard folding chair so you can get an idea of the size of them.

When you take them out of that box, they are all zipped up into the one smaller bag. Excuse my super curious DaneHound’s snout 🙂

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Also included (which is a genius idea!) was a toiletry bag AND a laundry bag. I always end up using plastic bags with my laundry and sometimes it smells (*cough* SOCKS *cough*).

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

Here it is open.. excuse the curious Pug paws 🙂 My dogs are all so nosy!

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

The laundry bag is pretty big! It looks like it can fit a weekend’s worth of clothes from Mini and I with no problem.

Amelleon Storage Cube Review - Tina Bs World

I could not get the bags back into the box after stretching them out, so I guess I will have to store them in my suitcase.

In case you want your own set, the link to purchase is HERE.

I highly recommend this set to anyone who needs organization for travel and for home.

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