Summer Movie 26: ROOKIE OF THE YEAR – Tina B's World

Summer Movie 26: ROOKIE OF THE YEAR

Mini absolutely LOVED this movie which is awesome because I love it too! I was psyched when we found it in a store’s discount bin.

In the beginning of the movie, Henry is in the doctor’s office when he gets his cast off and smacks his doctor in the face… Of course, that was Mini’s first favorite part! She cracked up when the doctor weakly said “Nurse” when Henry and his Mother left the office.

We’re nuts for baseball (as anyone knows) and Mini especially loved the scenes where the Cubs played our beloved Mets. She even recognized their older outfits 🙂

Mini’s favorite character was Brickma, brilliantly played by Daniel Stern. She loved that he kept getting himself locked in places and had some funny reaction noises and sayings. At the end of the movie, she asked me if they were just going to leave him in the cage forever. I told her no, they have to return to the locker room to get their things before they go home anyway so they will see him there.

As the credits rolled, she insisted her “favorite-favorite part” was that Martinella couldn’t get Henry’s last name right and kept calling him different names. Her favorite was “Garden-hoser”.

I love baseball movies and now, so does Mini. Our next baseball movie will be “Angels in the Outfield”, if I can find it 🙂

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