Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 2 – Tina B's World

Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 2

"text-align: center;">“Pixel Perfect”

I saw this movie back in 2004 when it first came out and loved it! Mini knew most of the songs in it because I have the soundtrack and also sing them a lot. Every time a song played, she just looked at me and I said, “Yup.”

I’m so happy she was willing to watch it!

Starring: Ricky Ullman, Leah Pipes & Spencer Redford

Year Released: 2004

Mini’s Thoughts: “That was messed up and awesome at the same time!”

Fave Part: The double date. Loretta kept pulling away from her date, who was confused as to why.

Fave Quote(s): When Loretta makes a comment about Samantha’s weight and Samantha yells “It’s not fair! I can’t even smack her!”

“You’re so lucky, Samantha. You get to be the dreamer, but all I’ll ever be is the dream.”

Mini’s Rating: 4/5 because it was “kinda weird”.

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