Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 3 – Tina B's World

Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 3

"text-align: center;">“Just Go With It”

I thought this movie was hilarious when I saw it. Mini is a fan of Adam Sandler, so I thought this would be a great movie for her to watch. She is really loving the romantic comedy genre, so picking future movies should be a breeze.

Starring: Adam Sandler & Jennifer Aniston

Year Released: 2011

Mini’s thoughts: “It was GREAT!”

Fave part(s): 1st- When Michael starts going to the bathroom when Eddie’s hand is in the toilet.

2nd- Michael fake-sobs as he tells Palmer that his “father” promised to take him to Hawaii. Mini said he was really good at the fake cry.

3rd- “Dolph” revives the sheep.

Fave quote: “Mom, before we go, can I make a Devlin?”

Mini’s Rating: 5/5

1 thought on “Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 3”

  1. I’ve never even heard of this movie, ha. I love how his (recent) movies are all destination locations, how great to hang out and vacation with your friends for work 🙂

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