Time to Get Creative With Your Schedule – Tina B's World
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Time to Get Creative With Your Schedule

It might be time to craft a hybrid schedule that will facilitate your work-life balance. 

If you’re like most people, you were raised to aspire to work a typical 9-5, Monday through Friday, weekends off. 

The exceptions were those who want to go into retail, grocery and the restaurant industries. With those three, your hours are probably erratic and unpredictable. You’ll most likely work weekends and/or holidays. 

notebooks and laptop next to a pool

If you’re working for yourself or for a company with flexible schedules, you no longer have to abide by the traditional work week. More and more people are adopting hybrid schedules because it lends itself to more self-care than in the past. 


This is not a debate as to whether this generation has gone “soft” so please save that for another forum. I’m in no way, shape or form advocating to be lazy or to show up to your job when you feel like it. In short: don’t take on a job or career that you can’t handle. 

That being said.. let’s get into it: 

entrepreneur vs employee

If you do work for someone, you can ask your boss or HR (human resources) if your schedule if flexible, allowing you to either vary your schedule or change your hours all together. It might also be possible to shorten your work week if you can handle 10-hour days instead of 8. You’ll get your 40 hours done in 4 days instead of 5. 

Working for yourself provides the most flexibility. If you like a leisurely brunch, you can work from 12-8. If you’re a night owl and prefer third shift (or that is when you feel most productive), work then. 

buck tradition

NO.. that is not me creatively hiding an f-word. I swear! 

You can look up the meaning if you have to 🙂 

Anyways, so if you work for yourself, you get to set your hours.

You have the choice to:

  • vary your hours daily/weekly/monthly
  • have a set schedule every day

It’s up to you! 

after the rugrats finally fall asleep

After the 30 glasses of water and zillions of questions about the origin of the universe.. 

You can work when the kids go to bed and you’re able to focus and devote the necessary time to your business. 

This “frees up” your day to:

  • run errands
  • volunteering at your child’s school
  • attending their sporting events
  • having family dinners
  • get family-related stuff done

daily Hours

You can also work more or fewer days if you’d prefer.

Some people like to work fewer days so they put in longer hours on the days they do work. 

If you have committed to working a certain number of hours on your business, you might work:

  • 3-4 hours a day but end up working 6-7 days a week
  • 8 hours a day for 3 days a week 

super hybrid to the rescue?

You can even do a super hybrid work schedule that’s very unique.

Your schedule could look like this:

  • wake up
  • do an hour or two of work
  • have some personal time
  • another hour or two of work
  • more down time 
  • food breaks

The point: you don’t have to have a rigid schedule.

Stop working whenever you need to.

Fire up the laptop and be productive when you want to.

As long as you’re not contributing to an imbalance where your personal or professional life is leeching off the other, you can do it any way you like! 

Work-Life Balance Bundle

work life balance bundle link image

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