5 Types of Blogs You Can Start Before the Clock Strikes Midnight – Tina B's World
5 types of blogs you can start before the clock strikes midnight

5 Types of Blogs You Can Start Before the Clock Strikes Midnight

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Happy New Blogs Eve!

See what I did there?

Anyway.. in case you were wondering: small niche blogs are just as popular (if not more so) than all-things-subject blogs.

What it boils down to is what content you want to share. That is the first major decision you will need to make to start a blog.

There’s no shortage of blog types and interests/subjects. While it might be tempting to keep your subject options open and stay in a broad-spectrum lane, niching down will help you in the long run.

Two things to consider as you’re deciding on the niche/purpose of your blog:

  • What are you passionate about?
  • What interests you?

Every niche’s audience has their own unique interests. Your passion for the subjects you speak on will not only keep you talking, it will help attract a larger engaged audience.

woman checking time on her watch

Here are 5 ideas for blogs that you can

get started on immediately:


  • Love travel?
  • Do new places fascinate you?

Travel Blogging might be for you.

There are many things you could cover under this topic.

To name a few:

  • Cheap Airfare Options
  • Packing Tips
  • Hotel Tips, Recommendations & Suggestions
  • Destination Guides
  • Places to Visit in Major Cities

Do you live in a major city that is a popular tourist destination? Your blog could focus on your own city.

  • Event Venue Reviews
  • Must-Visit Mom & Pop Shops
  • Famous Tourist Spots
  • Local Restaurants

There are so many ideas in this niche!


Lifestyle blogs give you creative free range to pick a variety of topics to write about.

You can literally write about ANYTHING YOU WANT!

Choosing a lifestyle blog will definitely make it easier to choose content because you can write about any little thing your heart desires.

Ideas to monetize a lifestyle blog:

There are a broad range of ideas for lifestyle blogs.


Food blogs are super popular because they attract so many diverse readers. A simple search on Pinterest will yield tons of results  for healthy eating blogs, ingredient-specific blogs, dietary blogs and a plethora of food-related topics.

The best part? You don’t need complicated recipes to gain a following. In fact, people love simple things they can whip up quickly. Start with recipes you use daily and go from there.

To monetize, you can sell unpublished recipes or a book with a collection of your favorites. You can do sponsored posts from companies about their baking pans or ingredients.

DIY – Crafting

If you prefer to make things yourself and have a designated “craft closet”, DIY – Craft blogs are for you!

DIY blog suggestions:

  • Artwork
  • Woodwork
  • Metalwork
  • Construction
  • Minor House Fixes (please leave the major fixes to the Pros!)

Craft blog suggestions:

  • Bracelets/Jewelry
  • Scrapbooking
  • Card-making
  • Craft Closet Organization Tips & Ideas

Suggestions for monetization:

  • Organizers
  • Scrap Paper Companies
  • Digital Papers (your customers can print out)

Craft – DIY blogs can involve lots of communication, but that is precisely what makes it a great niche.

Product Reviews + Tutorials = Affiliate

Affiliate blogs are product reviews and tutorials.

It’s a good idea to pick a niche and stick to it, like Gizmodo does. If you like a variety of products, you should probably start different blogs for each category.

Affiliate blogs include thorough reviews about products that include:

  • Features
  • Pros & Cons of Ownership
  • Cost of Ownership
  • How to Use the Product

Generally, the posts will have links to the product, which net the blog owner a commission on each purchase. You are going to have to do a little Keyword Research to make sure your products will pop up in searches.

To monetize: Find in-demand products with great affiliate programs. Build your email list and/or social media following to make it easier to promote the products.

Whichever type of blog you choose to start, be sure to create high-quality content and publish it often.

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Ivory Mix

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