5 Tips to Turn Potential Clients Into Actual Clients – Tina B's World
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5 Tips to Turn Potential Clients Into Actual Clients

You need a website.

Not just any website, a website that will win over your visitors. 

Websites should offer a service, not just lip service.

Make sure that your website actually offers something to a visitor.

Offering visitors options is the ticket to turn a “potential” client into an “actual” client.

woman working on her computer while checking her phone

Here are five pointers that will help turn someone just passing through into someone who will stay to learn more: 

get their email address

A good way to get lurkers to introduce themselves is to offer a resource that can’t be accessed without an email address.

This could be:

  • your newsletter 
  • a free online coaching video with a few of your best tips 
  • a subscription 
  • anything freebie/lead magnet that makes sense for you niche/business 

Basically it just needs to be behind a door where the key is contact information.

Once that is given, use it to slowly introduce subscribers to your work.

give them options

People like to have appointment options that are convenient, like the ability to either:

  • schedule
  • reschedule
  • cancel

Allow clients to schedule without your involvement by providing a link to an online calendar. 

peacock a bit

Now is not the time to be bashful.

When someone checks out your website, illustrate that your knowledge is beyond stellar and absolutely vital to a successful life.

Have a small e-book to offer or record a short video so your videos can get an idea of:

  • who you are 
  • what you do 
  • how you can help them 

Help them shop

Yes, it’s going to take a bit of effort, but try to make a shopping cart available on your website.

That will allow visitors to be able to hire you immediately.

Once they learn about you, they won’t be able to click away without a purchase. 

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Set up a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) area on your website.

Presumably, a lot of potential clients will have the same sorts of problems, so why not have a section that lists popular questions and answers?

This lets visitors to the website know that other people have had their problems, and that you know how to address those particular issues. 

Is there anything you would add that is absolutely essential for a website?

Personal Branding Bundle

Craft your brand with checklists for:

  • Your website
  • Your social media

Checklists and brainstorming questions to come up with your mission, which will impact everything you post. 

personal branding bundle product photo

click here to buy!

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