First Day’s Ups and Downs – Tina B's World

First Day’s Ups and Downs

Mini started school this week. She is in First Grade this year and therefore, in a new school. Obviously the school is a LOT bigger than her last one, but I am more nervous about that than she is. The pushing and shoving on the stairs.. oh geez! With all the bully issues Mini had last year, I don’t want anything taking away from this new experience.

She wanted to pick out her outfit, but she spent the last remaining minutes before bed Sunday night planted on the couch watching the Giants get spanked by the Cowboys. We told her she could watch the first play of the game, not knowing Manning (who she named our pup after) would be off the field in just seconds.

So, I picked out her outfit. She had asked to wear her new sneakers though..


Nice, aren’t they? Yup. I liked them too 😉

She had picked out her backpack and matching lunch bag (which she didn’t need but it was free!) early in the summer. As soon as the backpacks came out in stores, she wanted hers, to make sure she got the one she wanted.


So, this is the outfit we ended up with.. The pants have those inner-elastic thingies so she kept pulling at them, thus the sloppiness of her look.. HA!


Last year, it was in the upper 80’s the first day of school. Mini had on a tshirt and skirt. The high was only 70 today and there was a bit of a chill in the air, so we needed jackets this morning. Here’s my baby waiting for the bus:


She absolutely loved her teacher! Their daily special was Music today. They all got to play some instruments. She played the piano, xylophone, recorder and a few other things. They sang the “Apples and Bananas” song. As she was telling me all about it, I guessed the song and started singing it. She was both shocked and impressed. I explained to her that I was in first grade once. She laughed at me “No, Mommy. You’re too old to be in first grade.”

All in all, she had the amazing day I imagined she would. I wasn’t as bad as I was last year (hello pacing and shaking), but I was still on edge all day.

Here’s to an awesome school year!

Oh, and my Mommy-Nerves to calm down 🙂

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