Four Helpful Tips for Facebook – Tina B's World

Four Helpful Tips for Facebook

Does your business have a Facebook Page?

Here are some tips for you:

Put as much info as you can, but keep the description short.

If you’re on the verbose side, try to summarize in a few sentences, then explain.

If you want attention, keep it short and sweet. It will help your searchability 🙂

Allow comments & messages.. then answer them!

Double check your settings to make sure people can get in contact with you.

Don’t be afraid to delete and block spammers.

You can display custom app tabs in your Page’s header section. Make the most of this prime real estate.

Show people the next step you would like them to take on their Client Journey. Don’t forget to add your shop and/or website links. 

Use great pictures to get attention and ease up on the words. Pique their attention. Don’t give away the farm.

Make sure your CTA (Call to Action) is clear. Do you want them to click through to your website or shop? Let them know!

To sum up:

Fill out your profile completely.

Answer comments & messages.

Keep your header’s info updated.

Ad rules: more pics, less words.

Bottom Line: 

Make it easy for people to find and get what they need. Make sure everything flows seamlessly. 

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