Three FREE Resources That Will Help Middle School Parents Brush Up on Their Foreign Language Skills – Tina B's World

Three FREE Resources That Will Help Middle School Parents Brush Up on Their Foreign Language Skills

Being a Middle School parent is NOT easy!</p>

The hormones are raging out of control most days. Homework is ridiculous and they’re learning in a way that we need to take a class just to be able to help.

So what do you do?

Stop freaking out and turn to online resources, of course!

Mini is taking French and I took five years of the language in school, so I was happy. I know other parents aren’t so lucky, so I thought these resources would be of help to you. By the way, none of these are affiliate links so I don’t get anything by posting and linking. I just thought I should share the info.

1. Udemy

Udemy is an online education platform. You can take a ton of free courses on a variety of subjects which you will get a certificate for completing. There are also a ton of paid courses you can take, but I’m broke so I stick to free 🙂

“3 Minute French” is the course I took to brush up on my basics. I loved this course! The instructor, Kieran, believes you should learn a language in 3-minute chunks. The lessons were super easy to follow.

Here are some links to Kieran’s other “Level 1” courses:




Also.. here’s proof I finished the course, in case you were wondering:

2. The 3 Minute Club

This is Kieran’s website. He has a section for Vocabulary Expansion Sheets for French, Spanish, German, Italian & Portugese. These have come in SO handy! We printed them out and have them in a binder. It will be a good study resource as I know Mini will be learning quite a bit of these words in her first few years. It will be a great tool for a summer refresher as well.

There are also links to Kieran’s courses (with discounts!) and books (including ebooks and audiobooks).

A screenshot of Kieran’s website – mobile view

3. DuoLingo

I absolutely LOVE DuoLingo! Yes, there’s an app for that by the way 🙂

The lessons are easy to follow and understand. You can use it on a bluetooth player with your phone or even the speaker in your car. It’s great for on-the-go.

You set up a profile and unlock achievements as you go. There is even a reminder to login and complete a daily lesson.

Screenshot of my DuoLingo profile and achievements I’ve unlocked

These are my three fave resources. I hope they will help you as you help your Middle Schooler 🙂

Are there any resources you would add to this list? What are your faves?

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