Mini Monday – Post 13 – Make-up Tutorial – Tina B's World

Mini Monday – Post 13 – Make-up Tutorial

"text-align: center;">Hi, Everyone!

I hope you had a great holiday! Mine was great. I got some cool new toys and got to see a lot of family. We also went to see Rogue One on Christmas Day. It was SO COOL! I loved it!

One thing I like to do when I’m bored is find a make-up palette and paint my face like a canvas. I haven’t learned much about make-up yet. My mom is not very good at it (even she will tell you that) so I kind of just taught myself.

Here is the palette I used. It is from E.l.f.

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Yay for all the pretty colors!
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I am taking this very seriously, as you can see!
Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial
My eyes look pretty here. Just sayin.

First, you need to find your tools.

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Eyeshadow brush? Check! Professional? No. HAHA they obviously never met me!
Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial
I don’t know what “primer” is, so I’m going to assume that since this looks like a lip gloss, it goes on your lips at the end.

The one thing Mommy knows about makeup is that you start with a clean base so I had to use a cleanser wipe to clean my face.

Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial
Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial
*wip wipe* This is serious business.
Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial
EW! I guess my face WAS dirty! Gross. All clean now 🙂

Okay, now that my face is clean, it’s time to look for a mirror. I was too lazy to get up to find one, but I see that I can see my reflection in the top part of the palette so I’m going to use that. What could go wrong?

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This is SO going to work!

I play softball and like to watch baseball. I see some of the players do this so I thought under my eyes would be a good place to start..

Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial

Once I started, Mommy started to snapchat the rest. You will have to excuse her laughing in them. She could barely contain herself. Remember, this is serious business. 😉

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So… here is the finished product.

Mini Monday - 13 - Makeup Tutorial

In case you were wondering.. Yes, I AM available for parties!

HAHA! I hope you enjoyed!


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