Snacks – Tina B's World


I was a hit at the PTA meeting earlier this month.. Well, not me really, but my snacks were!

First, I had “Witch Hats“. These are all over Pinterest! I saw them last year, but didn’t get a chance to make them with the hurricane and losing power and everything. They are super easy to make! I used a slightly different technique than Barbara did on her blog.

You take a fudge striped cookie (I used the ones from the dollar store because they have a smaller hole in the middle), add a dollop of orange “deco icing” then top with a Hershey kiss. Yep, it’s that simple! This is what they will look like:


Next, I made an Oreo-Cookie-Brownie concoction. It’s my go-to because it is easy to put together and everyone loves it. You have probably seen this on Pinterest somewhere:



I love peanut butter, but I have a sister with a pb allergy. You know what she’s not allergic to and we all love? OREOS!

I searched the internet and I don’t remember which site I found it on first (a lot of people make different variations), but here is the recipe: Line a 13×9 pan with parchment paper. Press cookie dough into bottom of pan, evenly, cover corner to corner as best you can (the small tub of Tollhouse or large tube of Pillsbury both work very well). Next, line with Oreos. You should use about 24. Prepare brownie mix according to box directions. I prefer using the cake-like brownie recipe. If you want a gooey finished product, use the fudge recipe. Pour batter over the Oreos, covering them all. Bake at 350 for around 50 minutes. Cool then cut into pieces. This was what my tray looked like:



Last, but certainly not least, I found some cotton candy sugar cookie mix on clearance at Target. The cookies were delicious! The matching frosting was super sweet though (in my opinion). Some people like that, but I wanted people to eat them. Since it’s October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month), I decided to break out my icing bag and add the frosting in the form of a pink ribbon. Here is my creation:



I had as much fun making all these as the kids and adults did eating them! Everything was gone by the end of the meeting. I’m on the list for snacks in December. I set the bar kinda high, so I will have to start planning soon 🙂

6 thoughts on “Snacks”

    1. It looks like a lot, but they didn’t take that long to do at all!
      When the day comes, your son will probably be willing to help you which makes baking so much easier 🙂

  1. You are such a better mom than me 🙂 All your snacks look terrific, I bet they were very popular! I bake all the time, but I’m really bad about being involved with school events. Saw your post on bloggy moms and following you by email now. I look forward to your future posts!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, there was nothing left to bring home which I was happy about. I don’t need all that for me to nosh on! I liked your blog on FB. Looking forward to your posts as well 🙂

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