Stainless Steel Microfiber Cloth Review – Tina B's World

Stainless Steel Microfiber Cloth Review

I LOVE the look of stainless steel appliances and kitchen tools. I don’t know why, but I always have.

Two of my fave stainless steel possessions are my mixing bowls and my ridiculously oversized flask (it’s water, I swear!). Two thing these two things love? Water spots and fingerprints! I wash and wash, but by the time I put them away, they are (GRRRRRR) covered again. I opted to use these two for this review because my micro is in desperate need of a cleaning (eewwwww) and my fridge is so covered in magnets, it’s hard to even see that the fridge is stainless steel in the first place.

I was SO excited to receive this offer to test out the Stainless Steel Microfiber Cloths through Tomoson. Polish my stainless steel faves without perfumey wipes or abrasives? Sign. Me. Up!

They were very easy to use (seriously, just wet and use) and worked great, but I have to admit: when I first read up on them, I thought you could use them to clean as well. It’s better to use these just to polish. I also threw the cloths in the wash and they came out the same way they went in, unlike my washcloths..

First my, bowl. Here are the before and after pics:

Before cleaning :(
Before cleaning 🙁

I know. Gross, right? Well, here is my big lovely after (excuse my daughter’s mess in the background):

YAY!! :)
YAY!! 🙂

As the Fonz would say, “Perfectamundo!” I haven’t seen my bowl that shiny since I purchased it!

Now, onto my flask. Last year on Black Friday, I ventured into a Target and saw a bunch of weird “Dad gifts” near the men’s t-shirts. I saw this flask and fell in love. It’s HUGE! With a huge flask comes huge smudges and fingerprints too. 🙁

Here is my unpolished flask beforehand:

Unpolished and gross :(
Unpolished and gross 🙁

And after!

Freshly polished and shiny :)
Freshly polished and shiny 🙂

In short, I LOVED these wipes. When I finally clear off my fridge (it’s SO overdue..) and scrub the microwave, I look forward to using these wipes to polish them up really nice.

You can see reviews and purchase your own set on the link above or HERE.

Happy Cleaning!

Disclosure: I received this product with a discount code through Tomoson in exchange for my honest review.

Rant or Rave here: