Summer Movie 18: Mulan 2 – Tina B's World

Summer Movie 18: Mulan 2

My sisters joined us for dinner tonight. They had suggested Mini watch this, but we ended up talking about summer/school year plans so we waited until they left to start watching.

She noticed right away that Mushu “didn’t sound right the same”. She also got upset with him a lot during the movie. “Stupid dragon” was muttered several times. She said he was “more stupider than funny in this movie”.

When Shang let go of Mulan’s hand and fell, Mini was nothing short of pissed! “WHAT?! DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?! STUPID MOVIE! STUPID DRAGON!”

I thought she was going to ask to turn the movie off, but she kept watching. All in all, she enjoyed it, but she was still muttering that if Mushu wasn’t so stupid the movie could have been better.

There is a lesson to be learned here (no I didn’t tell her this): Be careful of the friend who says they have your back and insists they have your best interests at heart. Their own selfish motives might be at the core of your “friendship”. I learned that lesson the hard way myself..

Rant or Rave here: