Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 1 – Tina B's World

Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 1

"text-align: center;">Movie: “The Wedding Planner”

Starring: Jennifer Lopez & Matthew McConaughey

Year released: 2001

Mini’s thoughts: As soon as the credits started, Mini asked out loud “Did she plan her own wedding?” I’ve seen this movie dozens of times. It’s actually one of my favorites, but I have never even given that a thought! After I was done laughing at the randomness, I asked Mini what she thought would happen. She thought about it, then concluded that yes, Mary probably did plan her own wedding.

Fave part: When Steve and Massimo were fighting.

Fave quote: “Oh hell, I object too.” Spoken by the great Lou Myers. Mini cheered when everyone started objecting.

Mini’s Rating: 5/5 A Must-Watch.

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