Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 4 – Tina B's World

Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 4

"text-align: center;">“Miss Congeniality”

I adore Sandra Bullock and I’ll take any excuse to see Michael Caine onscreen!

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine & Benjamin Bratt

Year Released: 2000

Mini’s Thoughts: “Wow. What a cool movie!”

Fave part: “SING! When Gracie beat up Eric on stage.” <-I’m not shocked by this at all. In fact, I knew this was going to be her favorite part.

Fave quote: “SING!”

Mini’s rating: 4/5

3 thoughts on “Summer Movie Challenge 2019 – Movie 4”

  1. Eventually, you guys are going to watch a movie I have seen, right??? Though this has been on my list because Sandra Bullock is a treasure.

    1. You haven’t seen this one either? Hunnie, you need to see this ASAP. It’s one of her best roles, I think.

  2. Hello! Sir actually this is a really good Movie . I am gain more knowledge from this movie . It can be a bit expensiveness though if you have a big family so it maybe not fit all but I am on your side, i love watch movie.

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