Summer’s Last Hurrah Will Be Kind On Your Wallet With These Tips! – Tina B's World

Summer’s Last Hurrah Will Be Kind On Your Wallet With These Tips!

Carpe diem your way through the last rays of the summer sun without harming your budget!

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over—summer, that is. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t squeeze in some more trips or summer activities in the last stretch of the sunshine-y season, just because you’ve already spent quite a sum previously, or you’re tied down with back-to-school expenses. With these easy tips, even your wallet will be grinning with approval as you make the most out of the remaining summer days. Because life’s just too short not to:

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  1. Download free browser extension Piggy and rake in major savings to fund your escapade. A reliable ally when it comes to saving, Piggy does all the work for you—seriously. You just shop like you normally would after downloading and installing the free browser extension from the Chrome store, and at check out, Piggy will apply the deals, discounts, and cash back it has from their partner store. With their over 2,000 partner stores, you’ll not only get to plan amazing, pocket-friendly last hurrah summer trips, you’ll also save big time beyond this scorching season.

    Screenshot from the Mobile Version
  2. Check out festivals and bazaars in your community, town, or state. There is always an abundance of events organized by independent groups that offer a fresh take on the usual music festivals and summer camps. Check out Even Brite for a list of events near you, or visit Tickets Cheap for discounted tickets (with 5.0% cash back) on awesome concerts and sporting events.festival photo
  3. Embark on a one-of-a-kind overseas adventure. Contiki has an array of exciting conceptual trips designed to help you live your life to the fullest. Even better, they have irresistible discounts on worldwide trips, European summer getaways, Asia escapades, and Australia vacays!adventure photo
  4. Live in a parallel universe. Impossible? Not via, which will allow you to live like a local and stay for free almost anywhere in the world! By using Piggy, you’ll even get $10 cash back when you try out swapping homes with a resident in that exotic locale you’ve always dreamt of visiting.exotic locale home photo
  5. Shop for your fall wardrobe. Welcome fall the chicest way you can by updating your closet with the latest fashion trends. And you don’t have to worry about your spending, because via Piggy you can get 5% cash back every time you shop at Macy’s, on top of the many deals and discounts that are currently on offer.clothes shopping photo

Piggy has got your back this summer and beyond, so better download it now for a world of difference.

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