Vacation Questions – Tina B's World

Vacation Questions

This NaBloPoMo assignment cracked me up! It says to name a place you would never go on vacation that other people seem to love.

Here are two great vacations I have no desire of taking..


I don’t get why people do this overnight. I love when my Stepmom camps. I go during the day, send some time and go home. She has one of those fancy-shmancy campers and I still don’t know how she does it. I. Just. Can’t. There are so many great places to camp across Long Island. Like I said, going during the day is fine. Once the sun is gone, I am too.


Everyone seems to love going here. I’ve even been made to feel like a crappy parent because I haven’t taken my daughter here. I really have no desire to go to Disney at all. I went once. Aside from being 3m pregnant at the time, I just didn’t get the allure.

I’m not anti-vacation by any means. If I’m going to spend money doing something, I can’t fathom doing either of these things. Where would I go? I’d love to go back to Ireland.

Is there a vacation spot you would never spend money on?

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