We Made Donuts! – Tina B's World

We Made Donuts!

I find a lot of recipes I want to try. My Pinterest page will tell you that! Mini has been begging to make a run to Dunkin for a while now. I think she just wants a Coolatta, but she does love her donuts. She also loves her Oreo’s. When I saw this recipe, I was excited…

Last month, Aimee over at Shugary Sweets posted a “Cookies N Cream Donuts” recipe. Since I promised Mini we would bake today, I decided on these. Making the actual donut was pretty easy. It’s simply Grands biscuits fried in canola oil. I used the cap to my bottle of Bailey’s to cut the holes in the middle (yes I rinsed it out!) then let Mini make her own donut creation out of all the ‘holes’.

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Mini stood near as I dropped the newly-formed donuts into the oil and fried them.. The first batch went in and came out okay. The second go-around (with Mini’s creation) ended up being slightly burnt. They fried so much faster than I thought! Mental note: Don’t watch time, just flip them next time.

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The second batch 🙁


I loved the idea of the chocolate glaze and it was absolutely delicious! Aimee decorated her donuts so nicely, but I’m pretty sure her sous chef wasn’t a hyped 6-year-old 🙂

Mini was just so excited, I had to calm her down (or at least attempt to)..

First, you dip in the chocolate, then add the melted chocolate bar and sprinkle with crushed Oreos.

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Oddly, the only platter I have that is not Christmas-themed was a football (anyone who knows me is probably either shaking their head right now or just laughing). So here is my platter and Mini’s finished creation..

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I am not a food photographer by any means and the lighting in my dining room is horrible, so I hope these next pics get the point across. I did the chocolate dipping and let Mini do the melted chocolate and crumbs..

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Those were the first six. The next three Mini made special for her Father (read: lots of Oreo crumbs).

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I think we did a good job. Next time, I want to try the Apple Pie variety Aimee also has on her site. I’m not a big fan of chocolate donuts but she has that as well. Head over to her site and check this and other recipes out!

My sous chef and I love baking together and I will keep you posted on our other baking adventures 🙂

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