Do You Have the Winning Mindset You Need to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? – Tina B's World
post title image 5.20.21

Do You Have the Winning Mindset You Need to Succeed as an Entrepreneur?


Anyone will tell you that!

woman on phone and writing in a book

Do you have a mindset that gives you the best chance for success as an entrepreneur?

Here’s what you need to know:

work smarter

You will succeed if you work hard enough AND smart enough.

Perseverance is the key to success, but you can’t just work hard for long hours and expect big results.

You need to work hard on the RIGHT things.

what you put out WILL come back

The value you provide eventually comes back to you.

Focus on providing as much value as you can to the world.

Understand that the more value you provide, the more income you will receive.

Do your best to increase the quality of value you create.

time is money, so don't waste it

Invest in both your time and your money wisely.

Your time and financial resources do have limits, so allocate them intelligently.

Know which things in your business require and/or waste the most time and money. 

the truth will set you free

Know and understand the truth of your situation.

Avoid making assumptions and keep your ego out of your decisions.

Be open and committed to understanding the reality of every situation you face.

Make intelligent decisions based on facts.

your team will make or break you

Just like a bad boss can tank a company, so can bad employees.

Your hiring choices can make your company great or break it to the point of no return.  

Just one bad employee can create significant challenges.

The right employees will free up your time and take your business to the next level. 

do better

Be better tomorrow than you are today. Be better today than you were yesterday.

Use what you learn each day to improve yourself and your approach to your business.

Make yourself do better and be stronger each and every day. 

Got solutions?

Find solutions to every obstacle you face.

It doesn’t matter what has gone wrong.

You can always find a creative way to resolve the situation.

Business Planning Journal

Plan out your business through in-depth journaling.

Three sections, each with their own:

  • Prompts
  • Exercises
  • Notes

In order for your business to be successful, you need to get into that mindset.

This pack will help you!

life biz income journal product photo

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