10 Things You Will Always Find In My Fridge – Tina B's World

10 Things You Will Always Find In My Fridge

About two weeks ago, Kathy from Cornerstone Confessions posted a list about things you would find in her fridge. I replied with a comment but thought I would post my list here:

I always (ok, ALMOST always) have the basics in there: milk, eggs and/or cheese. But other than that, you are pretty likely to find the following:

  1. Bailey’s coffee creamers. I like variety.
  2. Arizona RX Stress Tea – I’m drooling just thinking about it!
  3. Jack Nicklaus Golden Bear Lemonade (most likely the Strawberry and Pink Lemonade as well)
  4. Capri-Suns. For the 6yo of course 😉
  5. Bananas (you might even find these in my freezer too but that’s a whole other post!)
  6. Godiva liqueur. Yup.
  7. Mission tortilla wraps – quick and easy sandwiches
  8. Cut-up chicken breast (ready to throw in soups or on previously-mentioned wraps)
  9. Lunchables – for the kid as well 🙂
  10. Something that should probably be in the freezer – this happens more times than I care to admit.

Well there you have it. What’s in YOUR fridge?

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