August 2016 Photo Challenge: Black & White – Tina B's World

August 2016 Photo Challenge: Black & White

August was a very interesting month for us..</p>

Some things happened, good and bad, but for this, we are concentrating on the good 🙂

I tried to photo as much of it as I could, so here goes:

Mini had her softball awards dinner. She will tell you all about it in one of her “Mini Monday” posts (coming next Monday), but for now, here she is with her team ball…

August 2016 Photo Challenge: B&W - Tina B's World

 7-Eleven decided to add another “Bring Your Own Cup Day” to their calendar… Mini and her father couldn’t have been more thrilled about it! Yes, that is a Slurpee hat she is wearing 🙂

August 2016 Photo Challenge: B&W - Tina B's World

In the beginning of the month, our canine brood looked like this:

August 2016 Photo Challenge: B&W - Tina B's World

By the end of the month, it looked like this:

August 2016 Photo Challenge: B&W - Tina B's WorldYup. We got two more Pugs. Are we crazy? Maybe, but we’re definitely full of love.

We got Mini’s pics done for her birthday (which was in June, because we are SO on the ball with these things!) and she looked amazing! So grown up 🙂

August 2016 Photo Challenge: B&W - Tina B's World

Okey doke, now for the bonus pic:

My incredibly lazy, but insanely cute office staff, doing what they do best!


Can’t wait to see everyone else’s entries! Link up with us HERE.

5 thoughts on “August 2016 Photo Challenge: Black & White”

  1. I am finally catching up on the past few months of challenges! Anyway…

    Good work for August’s theme. I like the first one. Works well in black and white. And so many dogs! They seem to own the place! 😀 Excellent work on the theme!

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