Blog Challenge – Topic 1 – Tina B's World

Blog Challenge – Topic 1

Write About A Person You Admire

I kinda wish this had come later in the month. My Mother’s birthday is the 30th and she would have been 61 this year. I will write about her at that time though..

There have been some great role models in my life. So many people are worthy of my admiration. It’s hard to narrow down to only one so here are my top three..

My Grandmother aka “Nanny”. I think getting to 91 and being as spry as her is extremely impressive. I admire her dry, sometimes sarcastic sense of humor, even amidst old age starting to wreak havoc on her body. She still works. She has a part-time gig as a Senior Companion. I’ll let that sink in a minute. Yup. She takes the “little old ladies” shopping or goes and sits with them for a while. She still drives. She loves Blackberry Brandy. She is really fun to be around and I enjoy spending time with her. I’m grateful she is around to spend time with Mini as well 🙂

“Judy”. Judy was the choir director at the church I grew up in. I knew how to carry a tune, but Judy taught me how to sing. She was absolutely amazing, everything a good musician could/should aspire to be. You could tap any key on the piano and she could give you the name and sing the note. When the choir was having issues, she could sing all four parts to give people an idea what they should sound like. I cherish everything she taught me. She passed away from ovarian cancer a few days before I turned 17. I feel privileged to spend the amount of time with her that I did. Every time I sing with Mini or karaoke, I silently dedicate it to her.. unless I’m drunk of course.

Mr. Ipp. My high school English teacher. Thankfully, I had him two years in a row and boy am I grateful for that! Those were two of the roughest years of my life. He gave great advice, most of which I still use to this day. He respected his students, calling us Miss or Mr and our last names. He was one of very few teachers that when you talked, you actually knew he was listening. I have a horrible poker face and when he would ask if I was okay, he would know if I was lying. When my Mother passed my Senior year, he was the first to offer condolences and urged me to talk with the school counselor. He was one of the biggest influences kicking my tail to make sure I finished school on time. I wish there were more teachers like him, even in the same school. I think there would be less trouble in school if more teachers cared and respected their students like he did.

Okay, I narrowed it down to three.

I would love to add a few more, but I will leave this be.

1 thought on “Blog Challenge – Topic 1”

  1. Pingback: Listly List - August 2013 Blogging Challenge #blogchallenge

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