Tips to Getting Work Done When Your Kids Are Home With You – Tina B's World
tips to getting work done when your kids are home with you

Tips to Getting Work Done When Your Kids Are Home With You

Work + Kids = Problem!

There’s no doubt about that. Getting ANYTHING done with the kids underfoot sometimes seems impossible. 

woman on phone, baby in high chair

Being able to work efficiently while your kids are at home (and distracting you all day long) is all about finding balance.  

You’ll need to create a plan that will help keep your kids busy while you work. I’ve compiled some tips that will help. 

Engaging Activities

Two words: Craft Projects.

Plenty of stores sell pre-made kits or you can prep one yourself beforehand. Just gather some supplies and create a box for each child. I recommend I Create Art‘s boxes. They have fantastic kits for artists of all ages, skill levels and interests. 

Craft projects are a fun and immersive experience that tend to be time-consuming and will bide you some time to work. 

There are hundreds of ideas online. If you already have some supplies at home, try to search for a project that uses them. If not, a trip to the store might tire them out enough for a rest when they get home. 

nail down a routine ASAP

Being home together all day every day is a new experience for both you and them. It’s going to be very helpful in the long run if you create a routine as early as you can.

Kids thrive on routines so make sure you set times for: waking up, meals and bed. Schedule some time together on your breaks. It’s important to connect and give your kids some attention during the day, which might just reduce the amount of times they pester you while you’re trying to work. 

Nap/Quiet Time = Work Time

If your kids are littles, you should definitely take advantage of nap times. If you have teenagers, it’s more likely they’ll welcome a nap too. Take advantage of these perfect opportunities to get some work done. Resist the urge to spend the entire quiet time cleaning. 

find your quiet corner

You’re going to need a quiet workspace. Ideally, it would be away from all distractions and you wouldn’t be disturbed while you’re there. Try another room or even outside. 

Yes, this can be tough, but try explaining to your kids that you need some quiet to get work done. Tell them why it’s important and they just might be willing to listen.

hire an Electronic Babysitter

Normally, we try our best to limit screen time, but technology can be super helpful here.

When you need some peace to work, let the kids watch a movie or play games on a smartphone or tablet. This keeps them occupied for a longer period of time, allowing you to be able to be on a conference call or complete a more involved task.

It’s not always easy working at home with kids, but it’s not impossible either. Create a plan and have a family meeting to explain the necessary changes. Above all..



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