Glass Bottle Cutter Review – Tina B's World

Glass Bottle Cutter Review

"text-align: center;">I received this product at a discount for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. 

Simply put: the Red Geese Glass Bottle Cutter is a great tool! It is easy to use and the instructions are crystal clear.

First, clean the wine bottle.

Some dish soap and hot water should allow you to peel the label right off. I’m joking.. you’ll probably lose more time scraping that stupid label off than you will during the entire cutting process. I guess you could leave the label on if you were trying to preserve a memory or something.

Second, assemble the Cutter and place the bottle on it.

Next, don the gloves and apply pressure, rotating the bottle to make a cut line around it.

The thicker the bottle, the more pressure you should apply, to make a deeper cut.

This is where it starts to get tricky.. and frustrating.

The instructions tell you to run boiling water over the cut line, then add the rubber rings and ice it. We tried that process twice, but then went with another suggestion listed in the instructions.. a candle.

Light a candle, line up the cut line and rotate the bottle slowly.

We did two complete rotations.

Finally, run it under the ice water.

We heard a slight pop/break and VOILA! Our new drinking glass was born.

Do a little dance.. you’re almost done!

Now, you’ll need a piece of sandpaper to smooth the edges of the glass.

Don’t worry – the set comes with two pieces of sandpaper for you.

When you’re done sanding, wash with soap and water.. then fill with your fave beverage and enjoy!

Our glass didn’t turn out perfect, but the edges are smooth.

Oh and the set comes with a handy bottle brush too..

The set is user-friendly and the instructions are simple and clear.

The process is fairly quick, save for the time you’ll need to scrape that silly label off. I recommend going the candle route instead of going from boiling water to freezing water.

I highly recommend the set. It’s great for anyone who wants to try glass cutting as a hobby or maybe even a side hustle.

You can find the set HERE.

2 thoughts on “Glass Bottle Cutter Review”

    1. I just might! People gift bottles of wine all the time and I have a bunch of other bottles I don’t need. Maybe if I get better at it, I can turn it into a side hustle!

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