How to Go From Working in an Office to Working at Home – Tina B's World
how to go from working in an office to working at home

How to Go From Working in an Office to Working at Home

Whether you’re kissing the corporate world goodbye to start your own business or you’re now working remotely, the novelty of working from home can quickly wear off.  

The initial joy of could possibly be replaced by worry, lack of motivation and a myriad of distractions.

adorable little girl distracting her mom while mom tries to work

How the dickens do you get things done when there are distractions at every turn?

While I agree that working from home can be beneficial, I also agree it comes with it’s own set of challenges. 

In this post, I’ve outlined four easy steps you can follow when it comes to easily adjust to working from home.

Here we go!

First: set up a quiet workspace

It’s so hard to concentrate when you have a bad case of “Shiny Object Syndrome”. This is ESPECIALLY true if your kids are home with you.

You are more likely to get things done in peace if you set up a work station. Kudos if you can find a quiet spot where your kids can not bother you. 

Try to use a room that isn’t frequently used during the day. Maybe just a corner where there is less traffic? 

If you have an extra room, you can place a “do not disturb” sign on the door when you’re trying to work.

You won’t get a lot done if you are uncomfortable so make sure your space is as comfortable as you need it to be. 

Second: keep your "Get Ready" Routine

Fact: I do my hair every morning. I only do my makeup if I have a video call, but my hair is always done. That routine has helped me tremendously. Bonus: if I have a surprise call, then all I have to do it put my face on. 

It’s important to try and maintain your normal routine.

What does that entail?

  • Get ready as if you were leaving the house for the office
  • Wake up at the same time
  • Have your usual cup of coffee
  • Get dressed into work clothes – Okay maybe not your formal office clothes, but at least change out of your pajamas! 

It’s amazing how much of a difference this will make to your productivity!

Third: start as early as you need to

If you want to ensure you stay productive, start as early as you need to. Yes, the earlier you start, the earlier you’ll get to finish.. but if you’re at your most productive at another time, start then.

Most advice I’ve received is that delaying the time you usually start will zap your productivity. They will tell you it’s tempting to sleep in and take longer to relax in the morning before starting.

I respectfully disagree. 

I am soooo not a morning person so I spend my mornings having a leisurely breakfast with my coffee while checking email and social media. For me, those are mindless tasks.

I usually start the rest of my work-related tasks by late morning or even early afternoon. It’s when I’m most productive.

Please note: if you’re working remotely, your boss might have an issue with a late start. Please listen to your boss and not some crazy lady on the internet 🙂

One of the biggest benefits of working for yourself? You get to pick your start times and customize your routine. 

Fourth: Set social media limits

When your fussbucket boss isn’t constantly over your shoulder, social media becomes a very appealing distraction. It’s way too easy to get lost in your feeds when your schedule seems more flexible. 

The responsible thing to do is set limits on social media use while you’re “on the clock”.

Commit to blocking some time during your day to browse and hold yourself to that. Having limits in place makes you more aware of how much you’re using it.

Just an FYI: Instagram has a handy tool that will tell you how much time you have spent on the app. Find it HERE. 

When you’re used to working in an office, working from home can be a big adjustment. 

These are just a few tips you can follow that will make things a bit easier for you.

Cheers to your next phase! 

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