Idiot Wind – Tina B's World

Idiot Wind

Blog Challenge Day 12: Wind.

Here’s a bit of trivia: April 12th is known as “Big Wind Day”. Wanna know why?

ON this day in 1934, Mount Washington Observatory officially recorded a surface wind that clocked in at 231 MPH. It was the highest surface wind ever measured! How cool is that?

As much as that tidbit of info made my nerd heart flutter, I decided to take the post in a different direction.

See what I did there? Ha!

Without further adieu, some great songs with WIND in the title:

“Idiot Wind” – Bob Dylan

“You’re an iiiiiidiot, Babe. It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe” – arguable one of the greatest burns in music history.

“She’s Like the Wind” – Patrick Swayze ft Wendy Fraser

I still get goosebumps when I listen to this.

“Candle in the Wind” – Elton John

Famously written for Marilyn Monroe, then re-recorded for Princess Diana when she passed.

“The Will of the Wind” – Tara La’Dell

“All that I could see was a mystery. It made no sense at all.”

“Ride Like the Wind” – Christopher Cross

A bit of trivia: Michael McDonald did the backing vocals 🙂

“Dust in the Wind” – Kansas

“All we are is dust in the wind..” 

“Look What the Wind Blew In” – Thin Lizzy

“You got to look what the wind just blew in..” 

I know I missed some good ones.

What song(s) can you think of with “wind” in the title?

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