Kitty Litter Smells Gross Meow-t – Tina B's World

Kitty Litter Smells Gross Meow-t

I don’t know about you, but I can’t STAND the smell of a dirty litter box. Actually, I kinda wish I had the patience to toilet train my cats.

“Use baking soda” is the most common suggestion I receive. Would you like to know what happens when I do? That litter gets flung faster than a summer love! I’m guessing they’re not fans. Also? My dogs are a fan of *ahem* “used” litter. Gross, I know.

So, what do I do now?

Enter the Litter Genie!

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

I was so excited for this campaign when it came up on BrandBacker! It was seriously like a wish come true. I was a fan of that other “Genie” product when Mini was a baby and I was so hoping this would be along those same lines.


Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World
Beautiful, isn’t it?

It even comes with it’s own scooper, which is always a good thing to have extras of!

The Litter Genie is very easy to use and man oh man, it WORKS. My nose is so happy, I could cry. Here’s a little step-by-step:

First, prepare your Genie.

Open it up, insert the bag and pull it through. Make a knot in the bottom to hold.

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Close the Genie and open up the top. It should look like this..

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Next, wait for your destroyer of mini-blinds to make a deposit in the litter bank. Then, get ready to scoop and drop it into the Litter Genie.

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Pull the lever out, then push it back in so the litter “disappears”.

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

When you’re ready to get rid of the waste, open the Genie. Pull the bag through (you have to pull the lever out to give the bag some leeway) and slide it into the cutter.

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Cut, tie it off and dispose.

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

Litter Genie Review - Tina B's World

The best part of the Litter Genie is the ease of use. I love that my kitchen smells better already! I also like that it is sturdy and not easily knocked over by curious kitties or even the doggies.

To find out more about the Litter Genie, look them up on social media!

I highly recommend a Litter Genie to anyone with cats, whether you have 1, 2 or 10!

Finally, a hello from my kitties, Biggie & Tupac. It’s kinda blurry because you have to sneak up on them with a camera. Haha!


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