Mini Monday – Post 8 – Revenge of the 5th: More Bday Pics – Tina B's World

Mini Monday – Post 8 – Revenge of the 5th: More Bday Pics

Mini Monday also happens on a Thursday this week 🙂</p>

Hello Everyone!

I promised you some pics from my Star Wars bday party of the food. My parents came up with some great names for the food and drinks. They don’t know if anyone else has used these names because they didn’t have time to Google it.

They started by downloading a free Star Wars font they found on the web and used up a LOT of black and yellow ink and lots of tape.

First here is the food:

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And now, the drinks:

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We had a few activities too. One was Pool Noodle LightSabers. You take a pool noodle and cut it in half. You use gray and black tape to make it the way you want. It was so much fun!

People forgot to take them home!
People forgot to take them home!

Another activity was Make Your Own R2 Unit. Mommy printed them out on all sorts of colors so people could choose their favorites.

Link tutorial:
Link tutorial:

Yes. Epic, my party was. Haha I love Yoda. I can’t wait to see all the cool things Mommy comes up with for my bday this year!

See you next time!


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