Music Monday – 8.21.17 – Tina B's World

Music Monday – 8.21.17

This song has been stuck in my head ALL WEEKEND!</h4>

music notes photo

No matter what I was doing, it kept popping up.

Dos that ever happen to you?

It happens to me a lot lately. A song just comes to me when I wake up and I find myself singing it all day long. No matter how many Spotify playlists I run through, the song just keeps cropping up.

Maybe it’s stuck in my head because I’m a bit stressed out and worried about the upcoming school year. So much PTA stuff is done over the summer to ensure the year goes smoothly. I feel like all I do is write/read emails and talk on the phone all day. My poor lil Mini has been dragged to many meetings as well. She’s such a trooper though!

Perhaps it’s running through my head because Mini is exhausted some days and it feels like I have to carry her everywhere (as if I could!). It also reminds me of the support I’ve been getting from the most unlikely places. At times, I feel like they’re carrying me emotionally and mentally.

Either way, here it is.

I hope you enjoyed listening and the song speaks to you too.

Happy Music Monday!

2 thoughts on “Music Monday – 8.21.17”

  1. At least it’s a pretty song that is stuck in your head 🙂 I don’t know if I have ever had problems with ear worms but I’m not very musically inclined.

    1. It’s why I’m so picky about what I listen to.. Literally any song can pop into my head and stay there. It’s so random!

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