My Word For 2020 – Tina B's World

My Word For 2020

I said I wouldn’t do it.

Emphatic denial after emphatic denial.. here I am.

I’m choosing a word for 2020.

Most of 2019 (and previous years) showed me where changes need to be made. I’m not going to put all of it out there just yet because with this one – I need to move in silence for now.

Everything I do this year is setting me up for the rest of my life.

That being said, my word for 2020 is FORWARD.

No matter what happens, I just need to keep moving forward. Focus on the bigger picture. The process is probably going to break and change me, but the end goal is moving forward.

Look for some big changes around here and my social media.

I’m excited!

2 thoughts on “My Word For 2020”

  1. That’s a pretty good word to follow for the upcoming year 🙂
    I usually look back at the end and see if I can see a “theme” that encapsulates my experiences.
    Though I am trying to kinda follow a “clean your space” goal for this year. My home is too cluttered.

    1. We purged twice last year. One time was clothes, the second was toys and things. You never know how just much stuff you have until you start going through everything!

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