Summer Movie 25: QUEST FOR THE CRYSTAL MICKEY – Tina B's World


I have not seen this because it’s new, but Mini was begging for this.

She had seen a commercial for this on the Disney channel (damn those things!) and asked for the dvd. She then claimed Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was her favorite tv show (umm no) so I told her if we find it, she could have it.

That was months ago.

Be careful what you tell your kids because they WILL remember!

Low and behold, we are in a store and there it is on the shelf. It came with a treasure map you can draw in yourself and a hologram-looking thing. Apparently, that was your very own Crystal Mickey. I’m bored just writing this. I can’t stand this show and was really a little pissed we found the stupid thing. Oh well. I’ll get over it..

The point is Mini loved it and that’s all that matters 🙂

2 thoughts on “Summer Movie 25: QUEST FOR THE CRYSTAL MICKEY”

    1. I prefer to not have to watch these stupid shows at all! Lol.
      I was never a fan of Barney though. My younger sister watched it endlessly..

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