Wonka Randoms Review – Tina B's World

Wonka Randoms Review

Thanks to Smiley360, I was able to try the new Wonka Randoms for free!

Randoms is Wonka’s new gummy treat. The package was not kidding when they said there was a variety in the bag! There are such a plethora of shapes, colors and flavors. It really feels like every single one is different.

I enlisted Mini’s help in both displaying a few different types and also in tasting. Guess which part of the process she liked best?

As you can see, some of the gummies and plain and others have a creamy part on the bottom (those ones were MY fave). A few even had a surprise flavor on the inside, like two fruits for the price of one.

They didn't last long like this..
They didn’t last long like this..

Thank goodness they sent us two bags because the first one didn’t last long. I have no idea how *burp* that happened.. *looks away and whistles*

Yup. No idea how they disappeared so fast ;)
Yup. No idea how they disappeared so fast 😉

In short, they were ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!

If you like gummies, you NEED to try these! Even if you’re not a big fan of gummy candy, try these anyway… You’ll love them!

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