A Goal Post – Tina B's World

A Goal Post

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Blog Challenge: Goals you’ve accomplished recently.

The title of this post is probably the closest I will ever get to being a sports writer.

Some goals I’ve accomplished recently:

First sale in my Pug store – check!

Hit 1500 followers on Twitter – check!

Hit 500 followers on Instagram – not yet! Almost there though!

Start my printables store – check!

Post two planners in the store – check! – Pink Plaid & Pug

My stores are works in progress and I am adding to them, but I started them up and it’s out there.

I have a few personal goals too, but I don’t want to speak about them until they’re accomplished.. so stay tuned!

What have you accomplished lately? Go ahead and share!


2 thoughts on “A Goal Post”

    1. Social media is a necessity when you’re trying to build a business.. plus since I have a kid, I kinda have to know all the tips and tricks so she can’t pull a fast one on me. That’s a great motivator to learn all the things!

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