Je Voudrais… – Tina B's World

Je Voudrais…

Blog Challenge: Bucket List

The title: Je voudrais is French for “I would like to”.

I don’t think I have a bucket list anymore per se, but there are some things I’d love to do before I die.. so I guess that is it?

*Take Mini to Disney World

*Visit every Hard Rock Cafe location (already visited NYC & Dublin)

*Make Mini’s dream to meet Dr. Phil come true

Ummm.. I can’t think of anymore. If I do, I’ll add them!

What’s on your bucket list?

4 thoughts on “Je Voudrais…”

  1. Ha, why does she want to meet Dr Phil? That’s so random!
    I would like to finish up visiting the west coast, I just have Alaska to get to.
    I’ve never been outside of the country so I think I would like to do that. Maybe Canada? I haven’t really thought about that one too much.

    1. She’s OBSESSED with Dr Phil. She loves his take-charge way of helping people. He doesn’t take guff from his guests and truly wants to better people’s lives. She’s dying to read his book, but I’m not sure if it’s too adulty for her.

  2. Bucket lists are a great way to have your objectives clear! I hope you get to go to Disney soon. For me, snowboarding is on my list. I have skied for six years now but would love to try it. Have you ever skied or snowboarded?

    1. I have horrible balance! Skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading.. all are out of the picture since I messed up my spine. I love to watch the X Games though.

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