July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer’s Choice – Tina B's World

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer’s Choice

Join this Photo Challenge HERE.

July 2016’s theme is: PHOTOGRAPHER’S CHOICE.

I’m actually happy about this because it is kinda hairy finding a good photo (or 5) in the summer when you don’t get out much (stupid asthmatic allergy to AC!), but here goes:

1. You know it’s hot when you find one of your Pugs directly in front of the fan. I don’t understand why he chose the fan in the hottest room in the house though!

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World

2. I will use any excuse to share a photo of my Pugs. I went with a B&W because it hid some of the mess behind them 🙂

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World
Back: Jordan and Cheyenne
Front: Jack

3. The insane block of ice we pulled from the little fridge in the den. Keep in mind, this is a small dorm fridge and this ice block is pretty much the size of the entire freezer!

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World

4. Mini received pretty much the COOLEST DRY ERASE BOARD EVER from my bestie. She drew some sort of Pug-man hybrid, the Gangsta Pugman. “Interesting” describes it pretty well.

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World

5. I’m a proud member of the PTA. I love going to these training conferences. I meet some fantastic people and learn so much. This was from a training a few weeks ago. The next morning, I sat down with a cup of coffee and reviewed the handouts and my notes.

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World

BONUS: Mini had a long day one day. Four hours of camp (one of those hours spent playing dodgeball) plus two hours of softball (where she pitched quite a bit) made for one very tired Mini. She took a short snooze on my shoulder as we waited for her hard-earned pizza 🙂

July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer's Choice - Tina B's World

Well that’s my admission to the photo challenge. I can’t wait to see what the others came up with!

[Tweet “Here’s my admission to the July 2016 photo challenge. Can’t wait to see what others have done!”]

Join us next time!

11 thoughts on “July 2016 Photo Challenge: Photographer’s Choice”

  1. Dog Days of Summer at its best!
    That is SOME ice block you managed to get out of that little fridge!
    Love your bonus picture! Snoozing on Mom’s shoulder and a pizza sound like a good way to end a strenuous day at ball camp!

    1. I couldn’t believe that block of ice! It was amazing, truly a sight to behold.
      I love when she snoozes on me. She’s getting into those tween years so I know my cuddle days are numbered.
      Thanks for commenting. Headed to yours now!

    1. No problem. I have a blogger buddy from Australia. I love seeing her summer pics when it’s winter here!
      Thanks for commenting 🙂

    1. I tell my husband that all the time! I feel like they’re trying to hypnotize me with their eyes. lol
      Thanks for commenting. Heading over to your site now 🙂

  2. I defrosted our big chest freezer in July…always save this job for the summer, specifically a very hot day. If you can’t be around (or don’t have) AC, it’s a nice way to cool off for a half hour or so. I have to say I’ve never heard of AC-induced asthma, but I used to get asthma sometimes when I would go skating at an indoor ice rink, so maybe it’s something to do with going from warm air to cold air.

    That bonus photo is absolutely lovely…one you should have printed and then pin up on your bulletin board or put on your refrigerator door.

    1. It’s actually a cold-air induced asthma. I’ve had issues in the winter since I was 16, but somehow never had an problem with AC until this summer. I know it’s weird.. I’ve only known maybe 2 other people in my lifetime that have the same reaction. My family is known for their weird ailments! lol

  3. A great set of images for this month. When my cat was still alive — she did the same thing. Right in front of the fan. Always made me chuckle!

    Nice work!

    1. My cats don’t go near the fans. They much prefer the blinds. By that, I mean they prefer my hanging blinds in shredded form on the floor. Grrrr lol

  4. Love your pictures but especially your pugs as they are beyond cute. I love pugs and their cute little faces. Our cats do the same thing but with heaters in winter.

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