Three Question Thursday 10.19.17 – Tina B's World

Three Question Thursday 10.19.17

How did you feel watching “The Last Jedi” Trailer?

Excited! SOOOO excited! There was some very clever editing in the trailer so I can’t wait to see how this part of the saga goes.

If you haven’t seen it, here ya go!

What are your plans for Halloween?

We are going pumpkin picking with friends this Saturday. The PTA-led event at Mini’s school is next Friday. We’re so excited for it. It’s going to be so much fun!

For Halloween itself, we usually head to my parents’ neighborhood. There is one house on the next block over from them that gives away an entire gallon-size Ziploc bag of candy. It cuts our trick-or-treat time down because we stop when the bucket is full.

Just for fun, here are some super blurry pics Mini and the dogs from Halloween 2014. It was extremely hard to get them to pose and stay in their costumes, so we got what we could get..Haha! Excuse our dirty house 🙂

Who ya gonna call?

Adorable, aren’t they?

Are you okay with the fact that you’re ‘pushing 40’ now?

40 photo
Photo by photoverulam

Wait. What? Okay I have to admit I was confused about this one.. Umm yeah so I didn’t realize 36 was ‘pushing 40’. Kinda thought 39 was? Apparently, anyone over 35 is considered ‘pushing 40’ and when the heck did that happen??

Either way, I’ve never been concerned about my age. Aging is going to happen and time will be lost. Those things are certain. There are plenty of other things to worry about..

Why there are STILL spider and fly guts all over my bedroom ceiling?

Or why does my daughter have to plan out the next year of her life?

I will never understand the “oh my gawwdddd I’m 30 and depressed and can’t get out of bed and now I have to be addicted to wine and complain about 20yo children”. In fact, my 30th birthday was completely overlooked. I’m not addicted to wine. I don’t get the fascination with it. Coffee. I like coffee.

People ask if I “feel it” more now. I’ve been “feeling it” since I was 22 and got into a car accident that messed up my back. Actually, I’m happy everyone is finally understanding a piece of the amount of pain I’ve been in for over a decade. When my husband complains his back hurts, he gets no sympathy from me. I just tell him not to use all the blue stuff  🙂

Leave me some fun questions in the comments!

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